Friday 11 January 2013

Sound sleep

Sleep is the best gift offered by the Mother Nature to all the creatures of this world. But nowadays, due to changed lifestyle, taking a sound sleep has become as difficult as to search a mirage in the desert. In the fast running life, most of us have forgotten that sleep is an indispensable part of our life and must to live a healthy life. A sound sleep can improve your personality many folds. For a normal person, a sleep of 6-8 years is sufficient.

I have learned that most prominent personalities in this world have one secret of their energy – A good and sound sleep. You also must have noticed that day in which you have highest energy in your nerves is the one when you get the sound sleep in the preceding night. Now, let me come to the core of the hub and here I am starting my discussion on the benefits of a sound sleep.

A good Sleep is must for a good memory

Memory and good sleep are very well interlinked. Have you ever noticed that why children have sharper memory as compared to adults or oldies? The main reason for this is that as we grow older we get vulnerable to day to day stresses whereas, a small child always enjoys his sleep to the maximum. Just make a habit of taking at least 7 hours sleep daily and after few days you will be amazed with your increased memory.Studies also have shown that if you are deprived from sleep for 36 hours after learning a new thing then you will forget the 40% of the things you have learned.

A good sleep keeps your weight in control

A good sleep maintains our metabolism up to date which results in healthy weight. Trust me, if you have a habit of taking sufficient sleep daily then you will never suffer from obesity or under-weight problem in your life.

I have seen many people putting lots of efforts in gym or by dieting to keep their weight in control. But there will be no need for such tiring options of weight control if you will successfully inculcate the habit of sound sleep daily. Remember, daily sleep of 8 hours is equivalent to the heavy work out of one hour in the gym daily.

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