Saturday 12 January 2013

Nutrition and Benefits of Peach Halves:

Nutrition and Benefits of Peach Halves:

1. Red-pigmented beta-carotene is a powerful member of the antioxidant family. Visible in the vibrant orange color of California peaches, beta-carotene is transformed to vitamin A in the body.

2. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in maintaining the skin, internally and externally, as well as in protecting the eyes, building strong teeth and bones and healthy hair. that vitamin A has been linked to reduced rates of cancer and heart disease. Just one serving of California peaches contains six percent of the U.S. RDA for vitamins.

3. That vitamin E is particularly effective in preventing heart disease and breast cancer. While vitamin E is primarily found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds and wheat germ, California peaches contain a significant amount. In a study conducted by Ohio State University, one half-cup serving of canned peaches contributes up to 24% of the U.S. RDA for vitamin E.

4. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, promotes healing and helps prevent cancer, heart disease and stroke. This aggressive antioxidant is essential to optimum health and California peaches can help. One half-cup serving of canned peaches contains eight percent of the U.S. RDA.

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