Friday 11 January 2013

Brain function

Brain function

Do you have moments when you can't remember things? Or you enter a room needing to do something but when you get there you couldn't recall what it was you needed to do? Do you feel old or tired or overwhelmed? Do you find yourself constantly adding several more items to a list when you planned to pick up a few items at the grocery store, and still get home without the thing you really went to the store to buy in the first place.

Graceful ageing has to do with several lifestyle changes. These must be incorporated in one's life so that it is an integral part of their daily routine. They are easy but to be effectively well into the eighties and nineties and living like a thirty something year old they must be consistent.

Well science is making breakthroughs every day to reverse these small glitches that come with ageing according to medical doctors who specialize in treating those over fifty. Ageing gracefully is always possible. But it goes beyond just diet and exercise although those are key to any type of wellbeing.

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